ARTFXプレミアの第3弾はMARVEL AVENGERSフレッシュスタートよりアイアンマンをラインナップ。
「Tony Stark :Iron Man #1」に登場した本アーマーは、重厚で気品高い質感にする為に、従来方式の全体を単色+コーティング塗装のみにせず、エッジの陰影を強調させたことで光の当たる箇所はコーティングされた美しさ、陰となる部分には重厚感のある質感が生まれています。また、アークリアクターや特徴的な腹部は機械部が「層」として重なった造りを施すことで、外と内に生まれる独特な表現が楽しめます。
Following after Thor Odinson and Captain America comes the third Avenger in this elite series: IRON MAN!
Based on the “Fresh Start” series’ Tony Stark: Iron Man #1, the armored Avenger is on the case and ready to defend the Earth. Iron Man is captured mid-flight, and his dynamic posing can be interpreted differently depending on the angle from which he is viewed; at times he appears to be flying through the sky at top speed and at others launching himself off a rocky outcropping. Thanks to the new and upgraded craftsmanship techniques that exemplify the ARTFX Premier line you can see and appreciate every single layer, panel, seam, and technological detail of the intricately sculpted and painted red and gold Iron Man armor. Combined with the glossy coating that catches the light beautifully, the contrast of the shading makes each piece of the armor pop and gives Iron Man a great sense of depth.
As with the other ARTFX Premier statues Tony comes to you in sophisticated packaging overflowing with detail including a marble-inspired background motif as well as an original illustration based on the figure, and this limited edition statue comes with a certificate with its collector number printed in gold, certifying each piece is a one-of-a-kind original.
© 2019 MARVEL
Pursuit of Detail
The statue’s sculpting strikes a perfect balance between the solid lines of Iron Man’s suit and the flexibility of the human form.デジタルスカルプティングによる鉄の堅牢さと人間の柔軟さが共存した独特ボディ形状。

Pursuit of Beauty
Iron Man’s iconic suit is brimming with eye-catching detail, from the black shading on the outer edge of each panel to the translucent abdomen that reveals the inner workings of the suit.エッジの陰影を強調したメタリックな塗装と下地に内部構造がうっすらと透ける下腹部アーマー。

Pursuit of Realism
With each side measuring under one centimeter (less than half an inch), Iron Man’s Arc Reactor is packed with detail despite its miniscule size.わずか1cm四方と感じさせない胸のアークリアクターの内面構造までも再現。
- 商品名 ARTFX PREMIER アイアンマン
Available in August -
Scale Reference - サイズ 全高:約250mm(台座込み)
- 価格 15,400 円(税込) $139.99
- 製品仕様 PVC塗装済み簡易組立キット
- 版権表記 © 2019 MARVEL
- 素材 PVC(非フタル酸)・ABS
- 原型製作 RESTORE